Thursday, May 3, 2012

We've moved!

When Fresh Outtakes was first born, I felt a ton of pressure by the social media machine to at least register a blog for Fresh Outtakes. Unfortunately, I have not done it proper justice, until now.

I have been writing a blog over at wordpress, named "
Design Once" for the past year or so that I have really enjoyed. I have been sharing my humble collection of lifestyle and design ideas from accessorizing the house to book reviews and free downloads. I simply try to speak freely from my creative standpoint.

In a surge of unusual brainpower, (and maybe with a little urging from a creative genius friend) I have concluded that my Design Once blog and Fresh Outtakes should really be merged into one.

I have exported, imported, tweeked and updated to deliver a new look, a new name and combined content at

There will be some minor glitches to be improved upon in the upcoming weeks, but overall I am happy with the tidy clean appearance and the content which will be a combination of Fresh Outtakes product updates and my personal lifestyle and design ideas.

I hope you enjoy the new combined version!



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